Autograph is an innovative aligner system, developed with a team of orthodontists to ensure our aligners meet the rigorous requirements of specialists.

Our experienced dental technicians use the latest technology to plan the movements and axis of each tooth following the instructions on the prescription form. They plan the number of incremental stages that will be needed to complete the alignment.

Autograph aligners offer orthodontists a reliable and predictable clinical outcome while providing patients with effective alignment and the sophistication of clear, discreet aligners.

Autograph Aligners & Whitening are provided in crisp white boxes, these beautifully designed packs will look sophisticated in anywaiting room display.


If you currently use aligners in your practice, you can expect to apply Autograph in the same way you do other aligner systems. If you are new to aligner treatment then our technicians are always on hand to discuss cases and handle particular requests.

Each patient will receive their first four aligner stages in an attractive Autograph aligner box incorporating special slots to keep each stage secure. Each aligner stage will be individually sealed with a label identifying the stage number. The patient take-home box will be placed in an exclusive white Autograph patient bag. Patients will also receive an aligner care package containing an attractive Autograph aligner mirror box, aligner positioning chewies, and aligner retrievers.

As with all aligner systems, appropriate case selection is central to treatment efficacy. We recognise that aligner treatment is just one of many treatment options available to the specialist. We appreciate that it is the orthodontic specialist who best determines which cases are suitable for aligner treatment.

Please send: upper and lower STL files, impressions or models, and a bite.

Turnaround time: 5 working days for the treatment plan, 5 working days for despatch of the aligners beginning on the day the plan is approved.


